
About The i3c BRIC-RCB Ph.D. Programme

A need was felt to establish a nationally cohesive, interdisciplinary Ph.D. programme in biosciences to expand the scale of generating highly skilled, globally competitive human resource. It was envisioned that the trained human resource produced through this programme would be better equipped to provide bioscience-based pioneering solutions to contemporary problems relevant nationally and globally. The main objective of the proposed programme would be to foster greater academic and research interaction among the institutions of the DBT BRIC (iBRICs), RCB and ICGEB, and to increase the professional networking opportunities for the Ph.D. scholars.

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Key Highlights

  • The collaborative initiative between the Institutions of BRIC (iBRIC), RCB and ICGEB aims to promote excellence in biotechnology research and education in India.
  • The programme provides extensive learning opportunities in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology through classroom and online teaching, workshops and hands-on training in high- end technology platforms.
  • It offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. programme in Biosciences to students with a Master's degree in Life Sciences as well as Medicine graduates & BTech/BE in non-biological sciences.
  • It includes a three-month immersion programme, supported by a generous additional grant, to expose students to real-world challenges and aims to foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship among young scientists.
  • Following the course work and the immersion program, the scholars, based on their respective areas of research interest, would join the various institutions in BRIC (iBRICs)/ RCB/ ICGEB under suitable supervisors to conduct their doctoral research.

Participating Institutions

Programme Outreach