Advanced Technology Platform Centre
RCB runs a state-of-the-art Advanced Technology Platform Centre (ATPC), a national facility offering services for mass spectrometry, optical and electron microscopy, genomics, protein purication, molecular interactions, and ow cytometry to both academia and industry. The primary goal of the ATPC is to accelerate innovations in science & technology and plug the gap in the innovation pipeline that has previously attenuated the ability of Indian researchers to realize their true potential. The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, skilled personnel, and world-class infrastructure.
Indian Biological Data Centre
RCB has established the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC) as the national repository for life science data. IBDC is mandated to archive all life science data generated from publicly funded research in India. Besides archiving data, IBDC shall also develop highly curated data sets to facilitate knowledge discovery in various domains of the life sciences, and would also provide infrastructure and expertise for biological data analysis. Fundamentally, IBDC is committed to the spirit of data sharing as per FAIR data principles. The centre is run by a dedicated team of trained personnel under the supervision of RCB.
BioNEST Bio-Incubator (BBB)
RCB operates the BSC BioNEST Bio-Incubator (BBB) in the NCR Biocluster with a vision to foster innovation, research, and entrepreneurial activities in biotechnology-related areas. BBB aims to stimulate the growth of biotechnology-based start-up companies by providing excellent incubation facilities. The BBB infrastructure spread across 35000 sq ft., includes laboratory space, office space, professional business suites, culture facilities, and the necessary instrumentation. The incubatees also have access to the ATPC facilities. Currently, the BBB houses 28 start-up companies working in various areas of biotechnology.
Campus facilities
The campus of the NCR Biotech Science Cluster, which houses RCB, has grown into a vibrant place offering an attractive blend of bustling research and academic activity ensconced in natural surroundings. RCB offers campus housing for its students and faculty. The student hostel is well equipped with modern facilities with shared accommodation and a common dining hall. The campus has a canteen and a cafeteria for students, researchers, and other staff. The recreational indoor facilities include a gymnasium, badminton court, basketball court, table tennis, a cricket-cum football ground, a volleyball court, etc. The entire campus of RCB is networked through high-speed internet connectivity. The class rooms, auditorium, and seminar rooms are equipped with modern audio-visual facilities to support online classes, seminars, webinars, and workshops. RCB houses a small library with selected printed books and a large collection of electronically subscribed journals, textbooks, and other reading material. RCB subscribes to the DBT Electronic Library Consortium (DeLCON), through which it provides access to leading international peer-reviewed journals to its researchers, students, and scientists.