The Fellow will receive Fellowship of Rs.1,00,000 per month.
An amount of Rs. 18,500 per month for HRA will be provided to the Fellow (if applicable).
In addition, Fellow will receive Research Support grant of Rs. 13,00,000 per annum for the purchase of consumables, minor equipment, domestic travel, engaging project staff and other contingent expenditure to be incurred in connection with the implementation of the project.
The Host institute will receive Rs 50,000 per annum towards institutional overhead under the project.
The Fellows will be eligible for regular research grant/s through extramural and other research schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India provided that a Co-PI is a regular faculty member, and the concerned funding agency allows for this arrangement.
In case a fellow joins a permanent position, the fellowship and HRA components of the scheme will be discontinued, however, he/she can avail the research grant component of the fellowship for the remaining tenure of the fellowship.
During the extension period, the fellow will be provided with Fellowship, Contingency/Research grant, HRA and Institutional Overhead.