DBT supported Post Graduate (DBT PG) Programme in Biotechnology

Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India initiated Post Graduate Programmes in Biotechnology, since 1985, as a major Human Resource Development Programme to hone trained manpower in General Biotechnology and specialized areas including Medical, Agriculture, Computational Biology, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Marine, Veterinary Science and Industrial Biotechnology. Currently, DBT is supporting Post Graduate programmes in Biotechnology and allied areas across universities and institutions in India. DBT supported Post Graduate programmes include M.Sc. Biotechnology and allied areas, M.Tech. Biotechnology and allied areas, M.Sc. Agricultural Biotechnology and M.V.Sc. Animal Biotechnology.

Since the year 2020, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has entrusted Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad as the Nodal Implementation Agency for management of key human resource development programmes through DBT-HRD Project & Management Unit (DBT HRD PMU). RCB, Faridabad on behalf of DBT is managing DBT supported Post Graduate programmes in Biotechnology and allied areas and conduct of Graduate Aptitude Test – Biotechnology (GAT-B).

Graduate Aptitude Test - Biotechnology (GAT-B)

Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology (GAT-B), is an all India Entrance Examination to test the eligibility of bonafide Indian nationals for admissions to DBT supported Post Graduate programmes in Biotechnology and allied areas, at participating institutions/universities.

Apply Now

For queries regarding online GAT-B 2024 application form, please contact dbt@nta.ac.in or call 011-40759000, as provided in NTA's Information Bulletin.